
Showing posts with the label Tips for Improving in English

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Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

How To Improve Writing English. / Improving in Writing English

If you are afraid of "Writing English" ,  Let's read the following text: Hello friends,  Hope you are doing great! Today, I would like to say a few words about writing English. Some of us can speak English as a whole but they don't want to write English. They think that if they write any topic in English that make mistakes or are inappropriate. Also, they think when their friends or colleagues will see the writings they will laugh. Okay, I totally agree with them because we know that during the time of writing grammatical rules have to be followed. As a result, some people don't want to write English. When we write any topic and fall into a problem after completing writing we should try to see our weak points and should try to rectify them. I am not skilled in writing. But I am practising writing English correctly. It is not possible to improve writing without regular practice. So we should express our opinions by writing so that we can find out our mistakes or

60+ ways to improve your English / 60+ things you can do to improve your English

Have a read of the below list and we are sure you will find a lot of  helpful tips to improve your English : Don’t be afraid to make  mistakes . Be confident. Surround yourself  in English. Put yourself in an all English speaking environment where you can learn passively. Practise  every day. Make yourself a study plan.  Tell your family and friends  about your study plan. Get them to push you to study and also don’t let them interrupt you. Practise the  4 core skills : reading, writing, speaking and listening. They all need to be worked on for you to improve. Keep a  notebook  of new words you learn. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak. Do a lesson at least  once a day. Use your  body clock . If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon. Plan to  take a test . You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something. Give yourself a  long term goal . Focus on working towards it. Give yourself  short term goals  too and rewar

40+ Tips for Spoken English Fluently and Confidently / Learn the way to speak in English / Tips for learning Speaking English

Here you will find a brief list of 40+ simple tips for speaking English fluently: 01. Try to be realistic about your English learning goals 02. Practice speaking as well, not just reading and listening 03. Practice speaking English whenever you get a chance or time 04. Get native English-speaking friends and practice speaking with them 05. Do not be afraid of making mistakes 06. Use simple sentences at first, then progress to complex sentences 07. Get a reliable English learning course 08. Make an effort to improve your pronunciation 09. Try to say something extra 10. Learn from your mistakes 11. Listen to music in English 12. Learn some English tongue twisters 13. Try to learn some new words every day 14. Try some public speaking 15. Let English be all around you 16. Become part of a conversation group 17. Read  English aloud 18. Watch videos of popular songs online 19. Try to think in English 20. Conduct small talk in English 21. Try creating your own responses, rat

0২). ইংরেজীতে কিভাবে কথা বলা ও লেখা শেখা যায়? / কিভাবে Writing English এ উন্নতি করা যায়? / How can I improve in spoken and writing English?

প্রথমেই মনে রাখতে হবে যে ইংরেজি হচ্ছে একটা ভাষা, যা চর্চা করতে করতে আয়ত্ব করা যায়। যেকোনো ভাষাই শেখার জন্য চারটি ধাপ থাকে,  যেমনঃ  01. Reading  02. Writing  03. Listening  04. Speaking সহজ ভাবে যদি বলি, যত বেশি বেশি Listening করবেন তত দ্রুত আপনার Speaking এ Improve করতে পারবেন। এছাড়াও, Speaking এর ক্ষেত্রে নির্দিষ্ট একটা Topic বা বিষয়ে Listening এর পাশাপাশি নিজে নিজে বলার চেষ্টা করতে হবে। কারো সাথে Practice করতে পারলে বা বলতে পারলে অর্থাৎ এক-দুই জন পার্টনার থাকলে এক্ষেত্রে আরও ভালো হয়। যত বেশি বেশি Reading ও Listening বুঝতে পারবেন তত দ্রুত Writing এ Improve করতে পারবেন। আবার Writing এর ক্ষেত্রে প্রতিদিন কিছুনা কিছু লিখতে হবে এবং সেটা অন্য কাউকে দিয়ে অর্থাৎ  ভালো লিখতে পারে এমন কাউকে দিয়ে Check করিয়ে নিতে পারলে লেখায় দ্রুত উন্নতি করা সম্ভব হয়। এছাড়া, Writing এর জন্য Online থেকে Grammarly এর সহায়তা ও নেওয়া যেতে পারে। Writing এর জন্য English এ Grammar যতটা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ Speaking এর ক্ষেত্রে Grammar ততটা না জানলেও সমস্যা নেই। Speaking টা হচ্ছে আপনি আপনার সামনের লোকটাকে বুঝিয়ে নিতে পারা বা

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