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Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

Write an Essay describing on "SOCIAL MEDIA".

CLICK HERE TO GO TO BACK POST 10.    Social Media The modern era is the era of Social Media. The younger generations love the fast-forward life and are very conscious of time management. With the world turned Global the distance between the countries has reduced and the knowledge and education have far reached amongst the countries of unknown. Social Media have become the medium of interaction between the people of far-reaching countries in the shortest possible time and life has become a possibility as if in the next door. Social media sites have turned very popular and are the means to become known and exchange of views and express the different talents that one has among people of numerous countries. Today, a far distant country in the west like America is no more a mystery to the youth or elderly people of India in the Eastern Hemisphere of the Universe . The exchange of views between two people or several people amongst themselves is executed within minutes and seconds.

Write an Essay describing on "STRONG LEADER".

CLICK HERE TO GO TO BACK POST 09.    Strong Leader Leadership is a good potentiality . We must hear the words that a leader is not made; he is born as a leader. A strong leader has the ability to influence so many people in his life. He or she has the power to lead the group as well as do the job successfully. A strong leader is a very successful person. He is very determined too. He has too much energy in his heart. He has a bright notion towards the goal.   Leadership is a very rare quality. Everyone has no such power to do such a job. This work is not so easy for anyone. Only strong-minded persons have the power to do this kind of task. An organization needs a good leader to grow its development. This leader is always bound to do the works of the organization. A strong leader has the quality to regulate the team. He or she is the willpower of the team. He dreams of success even in a gloomy situation. He operates the works with his tact and skill. He is the representative

Write an Essay describing on "Independence".

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST 08.    Independence Man’s nature is like a chainless bird. It wants to fly in the sky. Man’s first desire as a human being is an independence. Man loves to be an independent person. We know that in 1757 India lost its freedom and became a slave of colonial British rule. Later after about 200 years, India won their freedom by doing immense revolutions and efforts. India got independence in 1947, on 15th August. Till in the 21st century, we Indian celebrate Independent day as the hallmark of our freedom.   In the 21st century, the meaning of freedom or independence is quite different. Now independence has several meanings. The definition of independence is a large explanation. Its extension is big.   In general, independence means the right to do what a man likes. Independence means to express our views freely. To free from the bondage of the mind is also one type of freedom. Freedom of mind is the best kind of freedom among all types of freed

Write an Essay describing on "E-Commerce".

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST 07.   E-Commerce E-commerce is a trend of the modern business system. It conducts the norms of commercialism . It holds the attire of a wealth-producing industry. This is chiefly used in the area of trade and business. The world is now flourishing by the tide of time and new systems and methods came to the world of business. E-commerce is one of them. It does commercial transactions thoroughly conducted electronically on the internet.   The full form of E-commerce is electronic commerce. It is a business field in which products are sold or purchased through any electronic system, especially computer. Modern E-commerce generally commences their works through World Wide Web. E-commerce deals with the activity of purchasing or selling products through online-commerce are acted in the field of services and transmitting  funds or data over the internet. These commercial transactions take place either business to business, business to commerce, consumer

Write an Essay describing on "Digital Bangladesh".

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST 06.   Digital Bangladesh Introduction: The world is becoming a digital planet. Use of Information and Communication Technology has brought the nations of the world closer. At present almost every state is running to become a knowledge-based society. Bangladesh cannot remain out of it and the Government has declared to turn Bangladesh into a digital one by 2021. ‘Digital Bangladesh’ is a concept that will make our country more efficient, transparent and productive. Meaning of Digital Bangladesh: The word ‘Digital’ refers to a system based on a continuous flow of data or events. And the term ‘Digital Bangladesh’ refers to a society based on knowledge. The object of establishing a ‘Digital Bangladesh’ is to ensure an ICT (Information and Communication Technology) driven knowledge-based society. In such a society, information will be readily available online and where all possible tasks of the government, semi-government and also private in situations will b

Composition বা essay লিখার নিয়ম বা একটি শিখে হাজারটা লিখুন। / Easy way to learn Eassy in English.

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST   বাংলাদেশের যে কোন সমস্যা নিয়ে লিখুন- 03 Introduction:   Bangladesh is a small and a developing country.  But it is beset with various acute problems. Nowadays ..................... is one of the most common and frightful problems in our country. It has become a great panic here. In recent years these problems have become very severe which cannot be described in words.  Present situation: The present situation is more acute than ever before. If we read a newspaper, we will be able to understand how acute this problem is. It is obvious that now .................. problem is a burning question in Bangladesh. It has become a great threat to a decent life. Causes of problem :  There are a lot of reasons for this problem in Bangladesh. Unconsciousness is the main root cause of this problem. Our govt. connives at this problem. It has not taken effective steps yet.  How to remove it:  We should learn well about this great problem. We should realize the

Write an essay describing on "Coronavirus (Covid-19)"

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST 02.    Coronavirus (Covid-19) 1.      Topic Sentence 2.      What is Coronavirus? 3.      Where is the origin of Covid-19 and how has it spread? 4.      What are the symptoms of Covid-19? 5.      What are the effects of Covid-19? 6.      What is the present condition? 7.      Is there any antidote? 8.      What are the ways of prevention? 9.      Concluding Sentence. Coronavirus (Covid-19) – shaped like a crown- has become a global pandemic. Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which can be the cause of illness or death of animals and humans. Covid-19 is a new type of coronavirus which originated in Wuhan of China in 2019. Wuhan is a city in China and there is a seafood market in this city. This Covid-19 originated from this seafood market. Since then, this fatal and contagious virus has started to infect one person to another through the droplets of sneezing and coughing. The symptoms of Covid-19 are cough, fever and sev

Essay Writing in English

How to write a Composition / Essay (কিভাবে রচনা লিখতে হয়): কোন ব্যক্তি, বস্তু, স্থান বা ঘটনা সম্বন্ধে যা বলার আছে, তা সাজিয়ে-গুছিয়ে ভাষায় প্রকাশ করার নামই হচ্ছে Essay Writing বা রচনা লেখা। রচনা লেখা অভ্যাস করা দরকার। ভাল রচনা লিখতে হলে লেখার ভাব, ভাষা ও সাজানোর কৌশল আয়ত্ত করতে হয়; নতুবা রচনা সুন্দর হয় না। রচনা লেখা অভ্যাস করতে হলে নিম্নলিখিত কথা কয়টি মনে রাখতে হবে : যে বিষয় সম্বন্ধে রচনা লিখতে হবে, সে বিষয়ে যা কিছু জানার আছে, তা আগেই জেনে নিতে হবে। রচনার উপাদান সংগ্রহ করে সেগুলোকে সম্বন্ধ অনুসারে পরপর এমনভাবে সাজাতে হবে যেন সেগুলো এলোমেলো না হয়। এরপর এক একটি উপাদান নিয়ে এক একটি অনুচ্ছেদ (Paragraph) লিখতে হবে। একই ভাব বার বার প্রকাশ করবে না। যেসব কথায় রচনার মান বাড়ে না, কেবল রচনা দীর্ঘ হয়, এমন সব বাজে কথা লেখা যাবে না। কোন বিষয় বুঝাতে গিয়ে উদাহরণস্বরূপ অতি সংক্ষেপে কোন গল্প যোগ করা যেতে পারে। অর্থের মিল রেখে রচনার মধ্যে কোন কবি বা লেখকের রচনা তুলে দেওয়া যেতে পারে। রচনার ভাষা সহজ ও সুন্দর হওয়া দরকার। রচনার মধ্যে বানান বা ভাষাগত কোন রকম ভুল যাতে না হয় সেদিকে সতর্ক থাকত

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