
Showing posts with the label Official E-mail Writing-01

Recent Post: (Spoken & Written English, Job English, Proverbs, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, লিডারশীপ)

Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

Transfer Request Letter.

Subject: Request for Transfer from XYZ Logistics Limited to XYZ Oil and Gas Company Limited. Dear Sir, Greetings! I am writing to formally request a transfer from my current position at XYZ Logistics Limited to XYZ Oil and Gas Company Limited. I am Abu Cowser Siddique, currently serving as an Assistant Executive since my appointment on March 2, 2023, under the esteemed umbrella of Bashundhara Group. Despite my initial assignment to XYZLL, I have been actively contributing to the Supply Chain Management of XYZOGCL since my commencement. Currently, I am reporting to Honorable MD. Musfiqur (Sir) as a Dy Chief Engineer, as indicated in the most recent organogram. I kindly request your assistance for my  transfer to XYZOGCL. And I am available to discuss any further details or provide additional information as needed. I am looking forward to your favorable response. Best Regards, Abu Kahar Siddique Executive XYZ Oil and Gas Company Limited.

Job Offer Acceptance Letter

  Subject: Job Offer Acceptance - Assistant Engineer, Supply Chain Division. Dear Sir, Greetings! I am thrilled to accept the position of "Assistant Engineer" in the Supply Chain Division at XYZ Logistics Ltd. Please find the attached signed copy of the job offer letter for your records. Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to joining XYZ Logistics Ltd and making a positive impact in my new role. Thanks & Regards,

Revised Purchase Order for MS Plate and VAT Invoice.

Subject: Revised Purchase Order for MS Plate and VAT Invoice. Dear Mr. Kamal Greetings! This is to inform you that we recently submitted a Purchase Order (PO) to Rahim Steel Mills Co (Pvt) Ltd., for 4700 KG of MS plates. However, we have received 3650 KG of MS plates, which differs from our original PO. To ensure proper billing and documentation, we have issued a revised PO for the 3650 KG of MS plates. We kindly request the necessary adjustments to the invoice and the issuance of a new VAT invoice that aligns with the updated PO. Your prompt attention to these adjustments will be appreciated. Best Regards,

E-mail Etiquette বা ই-মেইল শিষ্টাচার। কিভাবে সুন্দর এবং পরিপাটি করে একটি ইমেইল লেখা যায় তার কিছু দিক নির্দেশনা নিম্নে আলোচনা করা হলো।

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK বর্তমানে চাকরির বাজার বলেন বা যে কোন ভালো মানের প্লাটফর্ম বলেন, এপ্লাই বা আবেদন করতে হলে আপনাকে অবশ্যই কয়েকটি বিষয় মাথায় রাখতেই হবে, তার মধ্যে লিংকডিন  এবং ই-মেইল সবচেয়ে কমন বিষয়। E-mail Etiquette বা, ইমেল শিষ্টাচার: প্রথমেই আপনি আপনার ইমেলে কি ধরনের ছবি ব্যবহার করবেন? ৫৫% ইমেইল চেক করা হয় না, যদি সেই ইমেইল এড্রেসে ব্যক্তির ছবি না থাকে। এছাড়াও যারা ছবি ব্যবহার করে থাকেন তাদের ছবি হয় ক্যাজুয়াল, না হয় বেশি গর্জিয়াস অথবা সেলফি। এটা একদমই অনুচিত। আপনার ইমেইলের ছবি হতে হবে মার্জিত এবং খুব সুন্দর পরিপাটি। ছেলেদের ক্ষেত্রে সেটা হতে পারে ফর্মাল অথবা স্যুট পরা ছবি। মেয়েদের ক্ষেত্রে শাড়ি, সালোয়ার কামিজ এর সাথে হিজাব পরিধান করতে পারেন। কথায় আছে "First impression is the best impression" তাই নজর রাখবেন আপনার ইমেইলে ছবি যেন খুব সুন্দর এবং নম্র ভদ্র হয়।    নীলপরী, এঞ্জেল, আকাশ ভরা তারা এরকমের নাম ব্যবহার করা একদমই ঠিক না।   আপনার ইমেইল এড্রেস এর নাম টি হবে আপনার নামের সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ। যেমনঃ  আপনা

Write an E-mail on "Self-Awareness of COVID-19"

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK To:  CC: BCC: Sub:  Self-Awareness of COVID-19 Dear Colleagues, Greetings! Recently an increasing trend in COVID-19 positive cases is being observed. Please see the last few days trend in the attachment. To reduce the potential impact of COVID in our workplace, we request all to strictly follow the health guidelines stated below: Wear facemask. Frequently wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Whenever possible, sanitize your hand with alcohol-based hand sanitiser. Refrain from touching your mouth, eyes and nose. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Keep maximum possible social distance while interacting with other colleagues. We appreciate your attention to this issue and your cooperation.   Regards, MAHFUZUR RAHMAN #. E-MAIL ATTACHMENT: CLICK HERE TO GO NEXT POST:

Write a Goodbye/Farewell Email to Coworkers.

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK To: CC: BCC: Sub:  End of Journey at XYZ !! Dear Sir, Good Bye! It’s really too hard to say goodbye everyone! But it is true and today I am departing from XYZ & will miss all of you in the upcoming days. It was almost 7.5 years journey and had a great experience with you during each of the moments, days and years. When I started in 2014, it seems to be just starting up at XYZ, but it’s now 2022, how time flies! It’s tough to leave this place and all these fantastic people. I’m leaving with some amazing memories. Thank you Sir for guiding me all these years. Let me express my gratitude to our management for giving me such an opportunity to grow here. It was a privilege to work with you. You’re indeed very supportive and helpful to me through the period. I have learnt a lot from great people like you. Special wishes for our honorable Managing Director & Chairman Sir. I pray & wish for their long prosperous life & sound health. I am also grate

Write an email to your boss for Suggestion.

CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO POST To: CC: BCC: Sub: Need Suggestion & See Last 03 (Three) Working Days Activities. Dear Sir, Greetings! As you know, I was assigned for calibration activities at HRML, 2021,   but a couple of months later I felt that this work is not too enough for me. I need your proper guidance to work smoothly at office. Without proper guidance, what can we do for our organization? Although, I know that considering those things, sometimes you give me some outside work besides calibration. But those works aren’t counted by Shariful Sir, Manager, HRML, said himself. Having thought of those things, day by day I am being depressed. Sometimes it appears that those with whom I am working have no leadership quality, again I feel like they have no Boss/Managerial quality as well. Anyway, Considering the above things, I would like to request you to give me some suggestions. Please, I apologize for my words if they sound bad. Note:  For your Information, please see the att

ঈদের ছুটিতে যাওয়ার আগে কর্মক্ষত্রে নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার অনুরোধ জানিয়ে অফিসিয়াল ই-মেইল। / Write an E-mail to ensure Workplace Safety before leaving office on EID Vacation.

CLICK HERE TO GO TO BACK POST To:  Ripon Ahmed' <>; Shohel Ahmed <> Cc:  Mr. Rakib <>; 'Mosfiqur Rahman' <> Sub:  Workplace Safety Dear Sir, Greetings! Workplace Safety You are aware that workplace safety is one of the vital issues for all. EID Vacation is knocking at the door, so we need to take some extra care for the safety of ourselves & company resources. To keep our workplace safe and to avoid accidents you are requested to ensure your Computer, Printer, UPS & other relevant accessories (which are not required to be switched on during the vacation) are " Switched Off"  before going on EID vacation. With your cooperation, we can make our Workplace and Office safer. Please forward this information to those we could not reach.     Thanking You, Md. Mahfuzur Rahman Manager, Information Technology. Mobile   : +880 XXXXXX

কারো মৃত্যুতে শোকজ্ঞাপন করে বা সমবেদনা জানিয়ে মেসেজ বা অফিসিয়াল ই-মেইল।/ Condolence E-mail

To: Forhad Ahmed' <>; Shohel Ahmed <>; Cc:  Mr. Pathan <>; 'Mosfiqur Rahman' <>; Sub:  Condolence Dear Sir, Condolence With deep sorrow, we would like to inform you that, Mr. Md. Ahmed Nasir, Director, Financial Management, XYZ Group has lost his Mother (Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun) today (01/02/2022). She was about 92 years old. All employees & employers of XYZ Group are expressing their deep shock at his Mother’s death.  May Allah keep his Mother’s soul in peace & give strength to his family members to bear the irreparable loss.   Best regards, Mahfuzur Rahman Manager,  Human Resources Dept. Mobile   : +880 XXXXXXXXXX Corporate Office: YYYY, ZZZZZ 121, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Ramna, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh Tel           : XXXXX, ZZZZZZ CLICK HERE TO GO TO NEXT POST: 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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