
Showing posts from January, 2023

Recent Post: (Spoken & Written English, Job English, Proverbs, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, লিডারশীপ)

Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

Structure with Examples of Active Voice & Passive Voice

 Active & Passive Voice: Present Indefinite Tense কি বা কাকে বলে? গঠন বা Structure ও চেনার উপায় কি কি? উদাহরণ সহ বিস্তারিত আলোচনা।


আমি সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠি english translation Ans: I wake up in the morning. আমি খুব সকালে ঘুম থেকে উঠি english translation Ans:   I wake up early in the morning. পরামর্শক meaning in english Ans: C ounsellor or, Consultant আমার ঠান্ডা লেগেছে english translation Ans: I have a cold. আমি হেরে গেছি in english Ans:   I lost / I have lost I am fine - আমি ভালো আছি। সকলের অবগতির জন্য জানানো যাচ্ছে যে meaning in english Ans:  This is to inform you all that বুঝেছো meaning in english Ans: Got it? ফায়ার সেফটি কাকে বলে? Titanic Bangla Subtitle কিভাবে ইংরেজি শিখবো? ইংরেজি শেখার সহজ উপায়। স্পোকেন ইংলিশ কোর্স ইন বাংলাদেশ। ইংরেজিতে কথা বলার সহজ উপায়। নিজের পরিচয় ইংরেজিতে বলা। কোচিং ছাড়াই স্পোকেন ইংলিশ। সহজে tense শেখার উপায়। ইংরেজি টেন্স শেখার সহজ উপায়। Tense শেখার সহজ উপায়। প্রেজেন্ট টেন্স কাকে বলে। Simple present tense কাকে বলে? Present Indefinite Tense চেনার উপায়। প্রেজেন্ট কন্টিনিউয়াস টেন্স কাকে বলে? Present Continuous Tense এর ব্যবহার। Present perfect tense চেনার উপায়। Present perfect t


Dear Sir, I am Md Rahman (Date of Birth:16 th January 1990, Passport No: x...02864), working as an “Executive” of the Engineering Department at XYZ Limited from 04 th September 2022 to now. The purpose of this letter is to express my interest in applying for the Master’s Degree in Energy Engineering at the University of Padua. I would like to express my enthusiasm for learning Power Engineering at the University of Padua as a master's student. My undergraduate curriculum in Electrical and Electronics Engineering at ABC University introduced me to a wide variety of engineering subjects like Power Systems, Electrical Circuits, Electronics, Energy Conversion, Numerical Techniques, Digital Electronics, Power System Protection, Electrical Power Transmission and Distribution, Optoelectronics, Green Power and Energy, Industrial Management and Control System, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, provided me with a strong command in the practical and theoretical concept of Electrical &


D ear Sir/Madam, Greetings! I am Md. Rahman, I would like to study for a Master of Science in Control Systems Engineering at the University of Padua. Currently, I am working as an “Assistant Executive” at JMI Hospital Requisite Manufacturing Limited, a well-reputed Medical Device manufacturing company in Bangladesh. I have accomplished a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Ideal Polytechnic Institute under Bangladesh Technical Education Board. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from ASD University in Bangladesh (Year of completion: 2021, CGPA: 3.51). During under graduation, I studied the following subjects likes Control System, Electrical Circuit, Electronics, Energy Conversion, Electrical and Electronics Circuit Simulation, Continuous Signal and Liner System, Digital Electronics, Power System, Microprocessors and Interfacing, VLSI, Optoelectronics, Computer Programming, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. To gain industrial experience and app

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