
Recent Post: (Spoken & Written English, Job English, Proverbs, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, লিডারশীপ)

Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

Job Offer Acceptance Letter

  Subject: Job Offer Acceptance - Assistant Engineer, Supply Chain Division. Dear Sir, Greetings! I am thrilled to accept the position of "Assistant Engineer" in the Supply Chain Division at XYZ Logistics Ltd. Please find the attached signed copy of the job offer letter for your records. Thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to joining XYZ Logistics Ltd and making a positive impact in my new role. Thanks & Regards,


  "রাগ" মানুষের সবচেয়ে বড় শত্রু: • রাগ করা সাধারণ মানুষের লক্ষণ, কিন্তু রাগের মধ্যেও মন শান্ত রাখা জ্ঞানী মানুষের লক্ষণ। • রাগের কারণে মানুষ শুধু তার জীবন নষ্ট করে না, অন্য মানুষের হৃদয়েও আঘাত করে। • ক্রোধ মনের প্রদীপ নিভিয়ে দেয়। তাই আমাদের সর্বদা শান্ত ও স্থির থাকা উচিত। • আপনি যদি শান্ত হতে শিখতে চান, তবে প্রতিটি জায়গায় নিজেকে সঠিক প্রমাণ করা বন্ধ করুন। • মানুষ কখনই রাগ থেকে প্রেমের সম্পর্ক তৈরি করতে পারে না। কারণ রাগ সম্পর্ক ভাঙতে পারে, জুড়তে নয়। • রাগ হল সেই মূর্খতার নাম যেখানে বুদ্ধিহীনও নিজেকে জ্ঞানী মনে করে। • ইতিহাস সাক্ষী যে, ক্ষোভ থেকে পারস্পরিক যুদ্ধ হয়েছে, কিন্তু কখনো শান্তির পরিবেশ স্থাপিত হয়নি বা চুক্তিও হয়নি। • রাগ আপনার মনকে অন্ধ করে দেয়, যার কারণে আপনি সঠিক এবং ভুল সিদ্ধান্তের মধ্যে পার্থক্য দেখতে পারেন না। • আপনি যদি সম্মান পেতে চান তবে আপনাকে রাগ করা বন্ধ করতে হবে। কারণ মানুষ রাগান্বিত ব্যক্তিকে ভয় পায়, কিন্তু তাকে কখনই সম্মান করে না। • আপনার রাগের কারণ বোঝার আগে তার পরিণতি সম্পর্কে চিন্তা করুন। • রাগ একটি ক্ষণস্থায়ী উন্মাদনা, তাই আপনার আবেগকে ন

Revised Purchase Order for MS Plate and VAT Invoice.

Subject: Revised Purchase Order for MS Plate and VAT Invoice. Dear Mr. Kamal Greetings! This is to inform you that we recently submitted a Purchase Order (PO) to Rahim Steel Mills Co (Pvt) Ltd., for 4700 KG of MS plates. However, we have received 3650 KG of MS plates, which differs from our original PO. To ensure proper billing and documentation, we have issued a revised PO for the 3650 KG of MS plates. We kindly request the necessary adjustments to the invoice and the issuance of a new VAT invoice that aligns with the updated PO. Your prompt attention to these adjustments will be appreciated. Best Regards,

Load-Shedding Incident and Generator Update

Subject: Load-Shedding Incident and Generator Update Dear Sir, Greetings! This is to inform you that a load-shedding incident occurred on 14-08-2023, from 10:56 PM to 11:40 PM (Total: 44 minutes). During this period, our generator experienced difficulties in starting due to low battery voltage. Two out of the four batteries exhibited a voltage range of 10 to 10.5 volts, which resulted in an overall voltage reading of 22.8 to 23 volts DC. As a result of these low voltages, the generator failed to start. In response,  we promptly replaced the two problematic batteries with NIPRO generators. Generator is now operational and capable of starting. We have successfully tested it by running it for a few minutes without any load. Best Regards, MD. MAHFUZUR RAHMAN Sr. Executive at XYZ.

Overcoming obstacles from the success path

Overcoming obstacles is a crucial part of achieving success. Here are some tips to help you overcome obstacles on your path to success: 01. Stay Positive: A positive attitude can help you overcome even the toughest obstacles. Focus on your strengths and stay optimistic about your abilities to overcome challenges. 02. Set Realistic Goals: Setting realistic goals that are achievable can help you stay motivated and focused. Break down big goals into smaller, more manageable tasks to make them less overwhelming. 03. Develop Resilience: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks. When faced with obstacles, use them as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than giving up. 04. Seek Support: Don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. Seek out support from friends, family, mentors, or professionals who can provide guidance and encouragement. 05. Take Action: When faced with obstacles, take action and keep moving forward. Don't get stuck in a negative cycle of overt

How to convince anyone?

Convincing someone can be a challenging task, as it often requires understanding their perspective and finding ways to address their concerns. However, here are some tips that may help: Listen actively: Before trying to convince someone of your point of view, make sure to listen actively to their concerns and understand their perspective. This will help you tailor your arguments to address their specific concerns. Use clear and logical reasoning: Use clear and logical reasoning to make your case. Present facts, statistics, and other evidence to support your argument. Be empathetic: Show empathy towards the other person's point of view. Acknowledge their concerns and demonstrate that you understand where they are coming from. Find common ground: Look for areas of agreement or common ground between your perspective and theirs. Use these shared points to build your argument. Be respectful: Be respectful and avoid attacking the other person's character or beliefs. This will help t

Advantage and Disadvantage of chatGPT?

Open sidebar What is the disadvantage of chatGPT? As an AI language model, ChatGPT has several limitations and disadvantages, including: Lack of common sense: While ChatGPT has been trained on a massive amount of text data, it does not have a real-world understanding of common sense knowledge. Therefore, it may sometimes provide nonsensical or incorrect responses. Bias: The training data used to train ChatGPT may contain implicit biases, which can be reflected in its responses. Moreover, the responses generated by ChatGPT are based on the patterns it learns from the data, which may not always align with social norms or ethical considerations. Limited domain knowledge: While ChatGPT can generate responses to a wide range of topics, it may not have specialized knowledge in specific domains, such as medical or legal fields. Lack of emotional intelligence: ChatGPT may not always recognize or respond appropriately to emotional cues in a conversation, such as sarcasm, humor, or empathy. Inab

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