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Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

বিভিন্ন চাকরির পরিক্ষায় আসা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু সমার্থক শব্দ। / Some Important Synonyms for Competitive Exam.

  • ক্রয় করা = buy, purchase, acquire
  • ধ্বংস = destroy, ruin, demolish, raze
  • নতুন = new, recent, modern, up-to-date
  • সাহায্য = help, aid, assist, support, serve
  • আন্তরিক= cordial, friendly, affectionate
  • প্রশংসা করা= admire, praise, appreciate
  • শেষ= end, conclusion, termination, finish
  • জয় = win, victory, conquest, achievement
  • সব = all, full, whole, entire, total, complete
  • মূল্যবান= valuable, precious, costly, useful
  • তুলনা করা = comparison, compare, analogy
  • সামান্য = little, tiny, small, diminutive, puny
  • আকর্ষণীয়= cute, adorable, catchy, appealing.
  • যাওয়া = go, proceed, move, depart, disappear
  • আগ্রহী = eager, keen, interested, enthusiastic
  • কল্পনা করা= imagine, fancy, fantasy, envision
  • ধৈর্যশীল= patient, tolerant, forbearing, persistent
  • বিরক্তিকর= boring, tedious, disgusting, annoying.
  • ঘৃণা= hate, loathing, detestation, dislike, antipathy
  • ভুল/ত্রুটি= wrong, incorrect, mistaken, error, fault
  • উপহার = gift, grant, presentation, reward, gratuity
  • চমৎকার= excellent, superb, outstanding, splendid
  • সক্রিয় = active, effective, abuzz, operative, live, brisk
  • মিথ্যা = false, fake, bogus, counterfeit, spurious, untrue
  • বিশুদ্ধ = pure, fresh, natural, perfect, authentic, genuine
  • সুলভ = available, handy, convenient, attainable, obtainable
  • বিখ্যাত= famous, popular, well known, prominent, famed
  • মন্দ/খারাপ= bad, inferior, unsatisfactory, nasty, imperfect
  • সুখী/আনন্দিত= happy, cheerful, cheery, merry, joyful, jovial
  • বোকা/নির্বোধ= silly, foolish, stupid, unintelligent, idiotic
  • দক্ষ = efficient, proficient, skilled, competent, productive
  • বিশ্বাস = belief, trust, faith, confidence, admit, regard
  • দেখা = look, see, notice, watch, observe, view, recognize
  • ধারনা= idea, concept, belief, opinion, perception, view
  • তৈরি/সৃষ্টি করা= create, make, build, produce, generate
  • বড়/বৃহৎ= big, large, vast, huge, immense, massive
  • শুরু/আরম্ভ= start, launch, begin, inception, dawn, opening
  • সন্তুষ্ট= satisfaction, pleasure, amusement, cheerfulness
  • চিন্তা/উদ্বেগ= worry, anxiety, concern, anguish, uncertainty
  • সঠিক = correct, perfect, appropriate, right, accurate, exact
  • বিশেষ= special, exceptional, exclusive, uncommon, extraordinary
  • গুরুত্বপূর্ণ = important, significant, momentous
  • চেষ্টা/প্রচেষ্টা = effort, struggle, attempt, intention
  • দ্রুত = fast, quick, rapid, speedy, swift, brisk, fleet
  • শান্ত= calm, quiet, cool, peaceful, tranquil, serene, mild
  • আবেগ= emotion, sentiment, reaction, passion, feeling
  • বিশ্বস্ত= faithful, devoted, loyal, trustworthy, reliable, trusty, true
  • উপকারী= beneficent, helpful, favourable, useful, beneficent
  • বুদ্ধিমান= intelligent, bright, smart, brilliant, creative, quick-witted
  • ভদ্র, মার্জিত= polite, well-mannered, modest, gentle, courteous
  • হতাশ= disappointed, upset, depressed, hopeless, let down
  • অসাধারণ= awesome, impressive, stunning, amazing, mind-blowing
  • দুঃখিত= sorry, sad, sorrowful, downcast, penitent
  • ধন্যবাদ= thanks, gratitude, appreciation, gratefulness
  • বর্ণনা করা = describe, represent, characterize, narrate, relate
  • সর্বদা = always, constantly, ever, permanently, forever, eternally
  • আশাবাদী= optimistic, hopeful, confident, promising, expectant
  • হাস্যকর = funny, humorous, amusing, comic, comical, laughable
  • খুশি / সন্তুষ্ট= glad, pleased, happy, joyful, delighted, thrilled, merry

  • সাধারণ = general, common, ordinary, usual, normal, simple, typical
  • আন্তরিক - Cordial, friendly, affectionate
  • বিরক্তিকর - Boring, tedious, disgusting, annoying
  • বোকা/নির্বোধ - Silly, foolish, stupid, unintelligent, idiotic
  • আগ্রহী -Eager, keen, interested, enthusiastic
  • কল্পনা করা -Imagine, fancy, fantasy, envision, envisage
  • সন্তুষ্ট - Satisfaction, amusement, cheerfulness
  • চিন্তা/উদ্বেগ -Worry, anxiety, concern, anguish, uncertainty

  • বিশেষ - Special, exceptional, exclusive, uncommon, extraordinary
  • বর্জ্য, অপচয় করা, নষ্ট করা - Waste, Dissipate, Misuse, Embezzle, Expend, Impair, Spoil, Lavish, Gamble, Throw away, Squander away, Misspend, Shatter, Annihilate, Obliterate, Demolish.
  • প্রশংসনীয় - Commendable, Pretty, Laudable, Praiseworthy, Good, Gracious.
  • সিদ্ধান্ত, নিষ্পত্তি, মীমাংসা, সঙ্কল্প, রায়, দৃঢ়সংকল্প - Decision, Judgment, Reasoning, Adjudication, Argument, Conclusion, Verdict, Pronouncement, Rating, Definition.
  • স্থাপন করা, প্রতিষ্ঠাপিত - Set up, Establish, Embed, Situate, Imbed.
  • কারণে - Due to, Because of, On account of, By virtue of
  • সমন্বয়, সমন্বয়সাধন - Co-ordination, Harmonization, Fusion, Consolidation.
  • স্বল্পতা, অভাব - Deficiency, Lack, Deficiency, Poverty, Need, Scarcity, Absence
  • আবর্জনা - Garbage, Junk, Trash, Rubbish, Dross, Slops
  • বিশেষত, বিশেষ করে, বিশেষভাবে - Particularly, Specifically, Especially, Exceptionally, Peculiarly, Minutely.


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