Recent Post: (Spoken & Written English, Job English, Proverbs, Idioms, Phrasal Verbs, লিডারশীপ)

Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু Phrasal Verb এর অর্থ ও ব্যবহার।

Get by meaning - বেঁচে থাকা / to have just enough money or resources to survive / to be able to live.

- She can't get by without her husband.

- How can he get by on so little money?

Go in for meaning - পরীক্ষা দেয়া / to do something regularly / to enjoy a particular thing or activity.

- He will go in for the IELTS exam next week.

- I've never really gone in for classical music, but I love jazz.

- I’ve never gone in for spending all day at the beach.

- I don’t go in for golf much.

(to take part in a competition, or to take an examination):

- Are you planning to go in for the 100 metres race?

তুমি কি ১০০ মিটার রেসে অংশগ্রহণ করার পরিকল্পনা করছ?

- His school had suggested he go in for the Young Musician of the Year competition.

- I go in for all the competitions.

Hush up meaning - গোপন রাখা।

- They could not hush up their love.

- The mayor tried to hush up the fact that he had been in prison.

Jack up meaning - বাড়ানো।

- They have jacked up the prices of essential goods.

Ad rates will be jacked up to $3600 a month.

- Inflation has jacked up the rate of unemployment.

- Please stop jacking up the volume on the TV.

Knock off meaning - চুরি করা/to steal something:

- He knocked off a book from my shelf.

He has a stack of computer equipment he's knocked off from various shops.

- He was caught selling knocked-off car radios in the pub.

Let down meaning - কারো প্রত্যাশা পূরণে ব্যর্থ হওয়া।

- I'm dependent on you, please do not let me down

Muck up meaning - নষ্ট করা।

- The rain has mucked up the tournament

Nose out meaning - খুঁজে বের করা।

- The police have nosed out some important facts

Rake up meaning - কষ্ট করে জমানো।

- He raked up money to buy a house

Roll-up meaning - দেরিতে আসা।

- He rolled up almost at the end of the meeting

Sack out meaning - ঘুমাতে যাওয়া।

- When do you usually sack out?

Sum up meaning - সারমর্ম করা।

- Let me now sum up my speech

Seize up meaning - অচল হওয়া।

- The engine of his car has seized up

Tell off meaning - বকা দেওয়া / তিরস্কার করা।

- Father told me off for being late

Wear down meaning - শক্তি কমিয়ে ফেলা।

- His long illness has worn him down

• Ball up meaning - নষ্ট করা।

- The bad weather balled up our picnic

• Bear down meaning - পরাজিত করা।

- We are to bear down our enemy

• Bear out meaning - সমর্থন করা।

- The other witness will bear me out

• Beef up meaning - উন্নত করা।

- Your story should be beefed up if you want to get it published

• Boil down meaning - ছোট করা।

- Your essay is very long, you should boil it down.

• Brush up meaning - উন্নতি করা/ঝালাই করে নেয়া।

- You should brush up your basic grammar before taking this course.

- We should brush up our spoken skills.

- Tasin needs to brush up his communication skill.

• Bump off meaning - হত্যা করা।

- The robber bumped him off and ran away

• Bust up meaning - নষ্ট করা।

- The rain busted up our match

• Cast aside meaning - পরিত্যাগ করা।

- He cast aside his old friends

• Cast down meaning - হতাশ করা।

- He was cast down by the news of his failure in the exam

• Chuck up meaning - ছেড়ে দেয়া।

- The doctor advised him to chuck up smoking

• Conjure up meaning - মনে করিয়ে দেয়া।

- This scene conjures up my past memories

• Cook up meaning - মিথ্যা কিছু বানানো।

-He cooked up a story about the girl he loved

• Crop up meaning - অপ্রত্যাশিতভাবে ঘটা।

- New problems are cropping up everyday

• Doll up meaning - সুন্দর ভাবে সাজানো।

- She dolled herself up for the party

• Draw on meaning - নিকটবর্তী হওয়া।

- Spring is drawing on.

• Fish out meaning - খুঁজে বের করা।

- He fished out a ring from his pocket

• Flood with meaning - কোন কিছু দিয়ে আচ্ছন্ন করা।

- Students flooded me with questions.

• Fold up meaning - শেষ হওয়া।

- Their business folded up a few months ago.

- small businesses were folding up right and left.

• Foul up meaning - পন্ড করা / to do something wrong, or to spoil something, especially by making mistakes.

- The rain fouled up our picnic.

- There are serious risks that laboratories may foul up these tests.

Zero to hero in English

  • Some Important "Phrasal Verbs"
  • Phrasal verb Bangla meaning
  • Phrasal verb meaning in Bangla
  • Phrasal verb এর বাংলা অর্থ।
  • বাংলা অর্থ সহ গুরুত্বপূর্ণ কিছু phrasal verb


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