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Sentences and conversations from the most popular American TV Series named " Game of Thrones"

If you want to understand English by listening, at first I would like to suggest that you select a topic (video) then read and write that topic’s sentences or conversations. After reading and writing, It will really help you to listen and understand clearly. And this will help you to watch a video without subtitles. This is the best and unique system to improve in learning, speaking, listening and understanding English.

Here are sentences and conversations from the most popular American TV Series named " Game of Thrones" as follows: 

• How did they find you?

• I need to ask you a favor.

• It seems he hasn’t abandoned your sister after all.

• Let it be fear.

• Our intentions were good.

• You don’t need to die with her.

• I need to tell you something.

• I have never been a stark.

• You don’t know her yet.

• I will never know her.

• What you command, we will obey.

• Now the time has come to reciprocate.

• You want to postpone.

• They will fight better if they have time to rest and recuperate.

• I have never begged for anything, but I am begging you.

• Do you have to?

• I am a deserter.

• I want you to promise me.

• When I come into my throne.

• What if he thinks I am ugly?

• I never knew.

• The boy looked just like him.

• Be careful you don’t cut yourself.

• I wish I could be here when you wake up.

• When was the last time you left this room?

• I don’t think Bran fell from that tower.

• I think he was thrown.

• Someone tried to kill him twice.

• Tonight I would look upon your face.

• That's not what happened.

• So be it.

Zero to hero in English

• Everyone who isn't us is an enemy

• I haven’t played with dolls since I was eight

• Give it to me

• Where did you get this?

• Now what do you want with this

• She cannot betray him

• But how can you let her marry someone like that?

• How could you be so stupid?

• I can't do anything without proof

• I don’t want to see anyone

• I don’t want to go 

• Why did you hit her?

• How many times do I have to tell you?

• An inspiring sight for the people

• Someone took her away from me

• It doesn’t make me feel anything

• Do you know what your wife has done?

• I should not have hit her

• If we don’t act

• You will have to sit on the throne while I am away

• If you don’t let me be, I will have you all killed

• Let him go and I will let you live

• What if you had missed?

• He would have killed you and cut Barn's throat

• How would you like to be rich?

• I don’t have it here

• Trouble is the perfect time for training

• Tell me what she is saying

• Have you ever heard the phrase?

• Get your hands off me!

• Keep away from me!

• I want what I came for

• Why is he still alive?

• The future of our family will be determined in these next few months

• Perhaps it is time to go home

• Go as per away as you can

• When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die

• There is no middle ground

• I learned that I will never win

• I am used to worse than him

• You damned fool

• Write down what I say

• At least they will say I did this right

• You will rule now

• I will do everything 

• No man could have protected him from himself

• A king does not need a chair to sit upon

• I hope to repay your kindness someday

• What should I do with a hundred swords?

• I did warn you not to trust me

• I hope you are not thinking of doing anything stupid

• How can I allow you to marry my son?

• I told you not to do anything stupid

• I remember the day you came into this world

• How many men do you have?

• You would never be allowed to leave 

• Treason is a noxious weed

• Otherwise he never would have said it

• If you still have any affection in your heart for me

• Please do me this kindness 

• He has to confess and say that I am the king

Zero to hero in English

• There will be no mercy for him

• They taught me that each man has a role to play

• The same is true at court

• I am the master of whisperers

• Give me a one good reason 

• I know what you indeed

• I didn’t like the way he was talking about Robb

• If you want to lead one day, then learn how to follow

• We follow where he leads

• Three victories don’t make you a conqueror

• I have changed my mind let him go

• I would very much appreciate it.

• I haven’t heard a word about Arya.

• What are we fighting for?

• There is a king in every corner now

• No one believes this foul gossip

• What you just did is punishable by death

• How do you know?

• How do you know it will be good?

• Because I know what is good

• Be with me

• Build the new world with me

• They are right I am not good enough for him

• That’s what most men say

Zero to hero in English

• But since I met you, I have been with no one else

• There is nothing in the world more powerful than a good story.

• You were exactly where you were supposed to be

• I am sorry I wasn’t there when you needed me

• Can I get you some coffee?

• Do you have any faith in me at all?

• What do I like?

• Where do we work?

• Why does he work?

• When do you drink?

• How does Bina put it?

• I feel like jumping out from this car

• Do you remember the last time you were here?

• You are both here to advise me

• Don’t ever betray me

• You are not as good as you think you are

• He wants to be one of you

• You can't defend the people without weapons and horses and food

• You told me I could be one of you

• You are a witch.

• Are you going to hurt me?

• I see darkness in you?

• We will meet again.

• If you can't figure out who I am and why I am torturing you.

• You swore to tell me

• I betrayed Robb

• That's why you are torturing me

• Of course, you forgot to ask one question

• Everything I told you is a lie

• I am acting on lady Stark's orders

• He doesn’t have time for anything else

• I feel like I am in a dream

• I don’t suppose there is anything we can do about this

• I did what I did to protect our family

Zero to hero in English

• He could have had me poisoned and no one would have known

• What do you want me to say?

• I want you to tell me If my life is still in danger

• He is out there somewhere 

• Do you think people will like it?

• I don’t think they will even notice it

• Why do you need to speak to her alone?

• People work together when it suits them

• They are loyal when it suits them

• They love each other when it suits them

• The kill each other when it suits them

• She knows that, you don’t 

• Which is why you will never hold on to her

• I remember the first time, I saw you you in the throne room

• Has he been kind to you?

• Most women don’t know what they like until they have tried it

• How do you know all this?

• You just don’t want to admit it

• I don’t pay you to put evils notions in my head

• You pay me to kill people who bother you

• If blood is your desire, blood shall flow

• My feelings for you haven’t changed

• I swear to you, it will not be like that

Zero to hero in English

• I am your whore

• I don’t talk to traitors 

• You took the gold and you gave him up

• I thought you were gone

• Have they told you what they plan to do with me?

• I owe you a debt

• I will return the Stark girls to their mother

• Do you think we are ugly?

• We need to make him feel better

• How can we make him feel better?

• This is what I have now

• What if I belong in the north

• All these bad things happened because the Gods got big plans for you

• You don’t know. None of you know

• People said he left me, but I knew him

• He would never leave me

• I knew he would come back

• I don’t know how I got the knife

• How many men have you killed?

• And how many lives have you saved?

• I could tell him this man saved my life

• You don’t want to be alone out here

• Someone worse than me would find you

• There is no one worse than you

• Ask her, if you ever see her again

• Why would they be at the Twins?

• They cannot be trusted

• I imagine you are right

• He may not agree to meet

• We have no slaves here

• You seem to be enjoying my wine

• I want you to know

• I didn’t ask for this

• You don’t have to speak to me as a prisoner anymore

• Get it off me

• Get it away

• Nothing was ever wiser

• Not until you want me to

• What if I never want you to?

• Were you here sent to kill me?

• I only do what I want to do

• You really ought to knock

• I brought your breakfast

• I will do whatever needs to be done

• Dead rats don’t squeak

• No point in trying to hide behind that face

• I heard what your brother did to you

• I know the difference between shouting and thunder

• You were right the whole time

• They tried to kill him, but he got away

• That’s where we should go

• I learned to walk in darkness 

• Keep this one safe

• How long does it take to sack a city?

• It was just as you said

Zero to hero in English

• That is a very strange custom

• Does it seem normal to you?

• If I tell you It's over, It’s over

• I heard that you are a pervert 

• My sister used to do that when she was angry with me

• Your father has called a meeting of the small council.

• She is no longer yours to torment

• Everyone is mine to torment

• Perhaps you should speak to me more softly

• I could have your tongue out for saying that 

• He is a bitter little man

• You should apologize immediately 

• I will make sure you understand that

• We have so much to celebrate 

• So that's why you did it?

• A good man does everything in his power

• The day that you were born

• Let's find a place to sleep

• Why do you want me to leave?

Zero to hero in English

• If he wants me to leave, he can tell me himself

• How happy would you say you are?

• Whenever he was with me, he was happy

• Where did you get the knife? 

• Is that the first man you have killed?

• Next time you are going to do something like that

• You know, I didn’t have a choice 

• You always knew who I was, what I am

• I know you won't hurt me

• What does it mean?

• For 40 years I have tried to teach you

• Do you know what they did to my brother?

• How many times have I told you?

• You can't visit me here

• He was better than me at everything 

• Arya Stark hasn’t been seen since her father was killed

• Don't you know me?

• I can never repay you, you gave me my life

• I know where we have to go

• You are perfect the way you are

• You are stronger than you know

• Voices carry over water

• Money buys a man's silence for a time

• I had it made a few weeks ago

• What kind of king do you think you will be?

• You are the worst shit in the Seven Kingdom 

• There is plenty worse than me

• No one had more cause to kill Joffrey than Sansa

• The girl is no assassin 

• They will be following you now

• Why did she set you free?

• I don’t think you are supposed to be here

• You don’t strike me as cruel

• May I come and visit you again?

• I should never have taken her away

• I won't even know what to call you

• It is hard to say, It could be enough

Zero to hero in English

• Don't you think I know who you are?

• No one can know you are here

• Didn’t they teach you how to ride a horse?

• What exactly did you do for Lord Tyrion?

• You are going to be found guilty 

• I did everything he wanted, whatever he told me to do to him

• Whatever he felt like doing to me

• Do you wish to confess?

• I am guilty 

• Is that what you want to hear?

• I demand a trial by combat

• You threw your life away

• I am the last friend you have got

• You shouldn’t be sitting out here like this

• Why did you come here to bother me?

• What can I buy with gratitude?

• Tell me why you are here

• I came to ask a favor

• I didn’t mean to disturb you

• You might have been my child 

• I know what you did

• You are not a child any longer

• Why did you help me?

• Don't leave me alone in this world

• Have they told you who I am?

• That's why you are here

• I was this man's prisoner once

• He could have tortured me

Zero to hero in English

• He could have killed me

• If my father had seen the things that I have seen

• How will you do that?

• No one is going to torture you

• I didn’t want anyone to die for me

• I wish I could have been there to protect her

• I have heard they found his body in a brothel

• No one here by that name

• I crossed the narrow sea

• I have nowhere else to go

• You have everywhere else to go

• Give my life for yours if need be

• Neither of us wanted to be there

• Sometimes we don’t have a choice 

• I swore to their mother,  I would protect those girls

• You have never made anything better

• Who is that?

•  Why were they scared of you?

• I didn’t come here to sweep floors

• This is easy things to say to a man in chains

• Whatever they are now, they are better than that

• Sansa is in danger, even if she doesn’t realize it

• Don't worry, I have plenty of time for you

• I am sorry for what happened to her

• It is good that she taught you 

• I heard you two had been reunited

• Did any of them touch you?

• Get back to work

• I have been here for weeks

• What are you doing here?

Zero to hero in English

• How did you get here?

• I have been serving them ever since

• Did you believe every word I said?

• Where did you come from?

• He tried to sell me, but was wounded in a fight

• I have nowhere else to go 

• I have spent every penny I had

• I will prove my worth

• I like to improvise

• No point hiding anymore

• Are you pleased? 

• I want you to be happy 

• We should be honest with each other

• Take off your clothes 

• Do I need to ask a second time?

• I hate asking a second time

• I told you to watch

• It is what I used to kill the white walker

• Do what he says

• He already hurts me every night 

Zero to hero in English

• All day I am locked in this room and every night he comes

• It can't be any worse

• It can always be worse

• What did he do to you?

• You have to help me

• Do you know how pleased I was when I saw you?

• You have made me very happy

• Bring my wife back to her chamber 

• I am telling you to get your hands off her

• I will take my chances with you

• You have to buy me as well

• I have come to take you home

• I didn’t want to come here, but she told me to

• I did what she said

• Get him out of my side

• How do I know you are who you say you are?

Zero to hero in English

• A very short span of time

• Why should I spend my time listening to you?

• You have no one at your side who understands the land you want to rule

• Killing and politics aren’t always the same thing

•  Do you want to advise me?

• I swore I would kill him if he ever returned 

• Why should the people trust a queen who can't keep her promises?

• He claims he would kill for you and die for you

• And yet he did betray you

• Did he have an opportunity to confess his betrayal? 

• Not until forced to do so

• He worships you

• He is in love with you, I think

• He didn’t trust you with the truth

• Remove Ser Jorah from the city

• The trial will take place soon

• Why did you tell him, Reek?

• I killed them and burned them, so no one would know

• I can't talk to you anymore

• Have you decided yet?

Zero to hero in English

• It’s what your father would have done

• And what would your father have done?

• He did what he had to do to survive? 

• I suspect he is the main reason

• He may be the only person in the world I trust

• Perhaps I will have you killed after all

• Your queenly prerogative 

• I had given up on life

• I am not going to kill you

• You are going to advise me

• How to get what I want

• I am not entirely joking

• You are not the first person who has ever dreamt it

• Why aren’t you in chains? 

• We are allies

• We have never been friends

• How many are with us?

• Five Hundred

• I am not good at counting 

• I thought we were so happy together until you abandoned me

• I suppose there is no point asking how you found me

• There was nothing she wouldn’t do

Zero to hero in English

• Whoever you are, wherever you go

• It is forbidden to lie with Khar's widow

• They stabbed me

• He put a knife in my heart

• I shouldn’t be here

• I did what I thought was right

• What does it matter?

• Can you forgive me?

• There is nothing to forgive

• It doesn’t mean I forget

• They respect me because they know who I am

• They know I am loyal

• Let me help you

• How many do you have?

• Did you know about Ramsay?

• What if I want you to die here and now?

• There are many things we have never done

• Don't walk away from your queen

• I need you by my side

• You don’t need to persuade me

• Knowledge has made you powerful 

• But there is still so much you don’t know

• Then why did you lie to him

Zero to hero in English

• Don’t let her suffer

• Why haven’t they punished me?

• Sometimes the true path is hard to find

• Have you lost your mind?

• I never did learn to cook

• You wouldn’t be safe

• Trust me, If my soup didn’t kill you, nothing will

• It will always be yours

• If he were here now, I would tell him the same I am telling you

• You don’t have to be here

• Just don’t do what he wants you to do

• I won't ever let him touch you again

• How do you know what he commands?

• I never demand, but I am up for anything

• What if everyone starts demanding their independence? 

• All memory of you will disappear

• You talk about war as if you were an expert

• Where are they now?

• Fear is a marvelous thing

• Do you have anything to say for yourself? 

Zero to hero in English

• If you ever come back this way, I will execute you myself

• We need to trust each other

• We have so many enemies now

• No one tells me to do anything 

• How did he take it?

• I know it was hard for you

• Do you know what frightens me?

• He would make a valuable ally

• Have you ever done this before?

• As far as I can see, you are the enemy to the North

• I am not your enemy

• You don’t know me well, my Lord, but do you think I am a liar or a madman?

• No, I don’t think you are either of those things

• So many men have tried to kill me

• Am I your prisoner? 

• Not yet

• You wouldn’t be here if you tried 

• Which is why I was speaking to Jon Snow, a potential ally

• All of his advisors would have told him not to come

• I would have told him not to come

• You don’t have to believe him

• You didn’t even know it was here

• Did you notice that?

• You have been talking to Tyrion

• I don’t know what that means

Zero to hero in English

• It means I can see everything 

• How do you know all this?

• I told you it is difficult to explain 

• It is the least I could do

• Who told you to treat him?

• I remember how happy he was to see me

• How did you get back to Winterfell?

• I did next to nothing

• Isn’t their survival more important than your pride?

• You never would have survived, what I survived

• Where did you find it?

• Do you know how happy Cersei would be right now if she saw us fighting?

• This is exactly what she wants

• I wouldn’t have chosen a coward as my hand

• If we hadn’t gone, I wouldn’t have seen

• We have been here for some time

• We all know that it will never happen 

• Then why are we here?

• I didn’t believe it until I saw them

• Then there is nothing left to discuss

• I am grateful for your loyalty

• If it is all for nothing

Zero to hero in English

• If there is no future, then why are we here?

• I respect what you did

• You are not like everyone else - 

• I can't have children 

• You were right from the beginning 

• If I had trusted you, everything would be different

• It appears Tyrion's assessment was correct

• My armies won’t' stand down

• Do you know what she is now?

• I always wanted to do the right thing

• Sometimes when I am trying to understand a person's motives, I play a little game

• That's what you do, Isn't it?

• That's what you have always done, and that's what you tried to do to us

• And yet you betrayed me

• I am not sure that I am

• I am just the executioner

• I never could have survived what you survived

• I am not sure what you are now

• Last time we spoke was at Jofferey's wedding

• Have you ever used it?

• Where were you before?

• Your sister doesn’t like me

• Would she do the same?

• It appears your sister lied to me

• The things we do for love

• I am sorry for what I did to you

Zero to hero in English

• Why didn’t you tell them?

• Are you advising me to forgive the man who stole your position

• Se has been loyal to me, always

• I trust her more than anyone

• Tell me, who manipulated whom?

• And I know he is true to his word

• And I couldn’t love him back

• I wish you'd never told me

• I saw the way they looked at you

• I told you I don’t want it

• It doesn’t matter what you want

• You didn’t want to be king in the North

• You are my queen, I don’t know what else I can say

• Never tell them who you really are

• I want it to be the way it was between us

  • Sentences from the popular TV Series " Game of Thrones".

  • Conversations from the popular TV Series " Game of Thrones".

  • English subtitles of Game of Thrones.

  • Easy way to learn English from Game of Thrones.

  • Learn English from watching the TV Series named "Game of Thrones".

  • Subtitles of TV Series " Game of Thrones".

  • Subtitles of Game of Thrones.


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