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Log Book Format for Tools Controlling

 01.  Title: Log Book for Tools Controlling SI. No. Date Item Name Receiving Quantity Received By Hand over by Return Date Hand over By Received By Remarks                                                                                                                                    

Could have + v3 examples / May have + v3 examples /Might have + v3 examples / Would have + v3 examples

Could have + v3 examples
  1. I could have gone to the party, but I decided to stay home.
  2. She could have passed the exam if she had studied more.
  3. They could have missed their flight if they hadn't arrived at the airport early.
  4. He could have won the race if he hadn't tripped at the starting line.
  5. We could have seen the movie, but we got stuck in traffic.
  6. You could have saved more money if you had started earlier.
  7. The company could have gone bankrupt if it hadn't received the loan.
  8. She could have been hurt in the accident, but she came out unscathed.
  9. They could have lost the game if the other team had scored in the last minute.
  10. He could have been promoted if he had performed better at work.

  1. She may have forgotten to lock the door before leaving.
  2. They may have missed the train because of the traffic.
  3. He may have left his phone at the office.
  4. We may have misunderstood the instructions.
  5. You may have hurt her feelings with your comment.
  6. The package may have been lost in transit.
  7. The cake may have burned in the oven.
  8. They may have already eaten dinner by the time we get there.
  9. He may have overslept and missed the meeting.
  10. The concert may have been canceled due to bad weather.

Might have + v3 examples
  1. He might have forgotten about the appointment.
  2. I might have left my keys at the office.
  3. They might have taken a different route to avoid the traffic.
  4. We might have missed the last train home.
  5. You might have offended him with your comments.
  6. She might have overslept and missed her flight.
  7. The package might have been delivered to the wrong address.
  8. He might have injured his back while lifting weights.
  9. They might have been stuck in the elevator for hours.
  10. The cake might have been ruined because of the high temperature in the kitchen.
Gazi Mahfuz Mukul
Would have + v3 examples
  1. If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
  2. She would have gone on the trip with us, but she had other plans.
  3. They would have won the game if they had scored one more goal.
  4. He would have finished the project on time if he had more resources.
  5. We would have visited Paris last summer, but the pandemic disrupted our plans.
  6. You would have enjoyed the party if you had come with us.
  7. The company would have gone bankrupt if it had not received the government's financial support.
  8. She would have been angry if she had known the truth.
  9. They would have bought the house if the seller had reduced the price.
  10. He would have missed the train if his friend hadn't given him a ride.

Gazi Mahfuz Mukul


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